Welcome to the 2019 edition of Latin Holiday Songs for the month of December. This started as a project back in 2006, over ten years ago! You can see the Complete Calendar for 2020 here, and you can also add a Latin Holiday Song widget to your own blog or website.
See the sidebar for the Latin song of the day, and here is one at random:
As always with translations, there are all kinds of possible approaches, and I've found three different translations of "Rudolph" into Latin. Version 1 is much more commonly found on the Internet but, personally, I think I prefer Version 2! You could use these three different versions to give you suggestions and strategies so you can do your own version. If you do your own version, go ahead and post it as a comment here at this blog. To learn more about the English song, with the lyrics, visit this Wikipedia article.
** Be sure to check the comments:
you can find a fourth version AND a fifth version AND a sixth version
which people have shared in the comments section.
The fifth one features Jupiter instead of Santa! **
Thanks so much to Jonathan Gilbert for alerting me to this plain chant of Rudolphus; for a full view of the image below, visit Eyolf Østrem's website - and be sure to check out this detailed post where he explains how he came to write this delightful piece of music!